Mathematical Modeling Regulatory Mechanisms of Human Cellular Communities at Anomalies
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Published: 20 March 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
This paper considers the method for modeling regulatory mechanisms of cellular community, based on introducing the functional unit of cellular communities (FUES), consisting of dividing, growing, differentiated, carrying out the specific functions, ageing cellular groups functioning interconnected as a unit. Regulatorika of the interconnected activity between molecular-genetic systems of hepatocytes and hepatitis B viruses (HBV) taking into account miRNA action are considered. During computing experiments with the developed program complex it is established that there are the following regimes of the process, which depend on HBV miRNA concentration: clarification, symbiosis, regular and irregular fluctuations, sharp destructive changes which define various clinical forms of disease.
Keywords: modeling, regulatorika, cellular communities, functional-differential equations with delay, miRNA, viral hepatitis, functional equation.

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How to Cite
M. Saidalieva, M.B. Hidirova. (2018-03-20). "Mathematical Modeling Regulatory Mechanisms of Human Cellular Communities at Anomalies." *Volume 2*, 1, 34-41